The Rotarian Creed

I am proud to be a Rotarian, one of 1.2 million men and women of all races, ages, religions, and cultures in thirty thousand clubs in 160 countries. I am proud to be one of these who promote world peace through understanding, and through the Rotary Foundation are eliminating polio from the world. I am proud to follow the Four-Way Test and to use my profession as an avenue to service in my community, in my nation, and in the world. I will show my pride in Rotary International by supporting the programs of the Rotary Foundation, and will be a Paul Harris Sustaining Member, and Paul Harris Fellow, and a Paul Harris Benefactor.

I am proud to be a Georgia Rotarian, where, since 1946, Georgia Rotarians have promoted world peace through understanding by providing college scholarships to more than 2,500 young people from nearly 100 countries. These young people return to their homes knowing Georgia and Georgians. Georgians know them. And they also know each other. When enough people throughout the world know enough other people throughout the world, and are friends, war and suffering will become unacceptable conditions. Through Georgia Rotarians and the Georgia Rotary Student Program peace is possible. I will support Rotary in Georgia by participating in district assembly, district conference, group study exchange, foundation seminars, hosting GRSP students and in other ways, and I will be a Will Watt Sustainer and a Will Watt Fellow.

I am proud to be a member of the Americus Rotary Club, established in 1918 as one of the first Rotary Clubs in Georgia and the 432nd Rotary Club in the world. A club that has includes among its membership three district governors, successive generations of the same family, and a president of the United States and recipient of the Rotary International Award for World Peace and Understanding; the place where the idea of the Rylander Theater was first discussed and a club that contributed significantly to its restoration. A club where, in the chairs around me, sit and have sat mayors, councilmen, commissioners, school board members, school administrators, teachers, government officials, chamber of commerce presidents and chairmen, legislators, and other business and community leaders of all types. A club that has been a training ground for community leadership. I will support this club by attending regularly, supporting its activities, serving as an officer, director, committee chair and committee member as requested. I will support this Rotary club with my time, my talents, and my financial resources. I will become a Robert McNeill Fellow, a J. Willis Shiver Fellow, and a Bill McCall Fellow.

I will study Rotary. I will read the reference material provided to me. I will read the Rotarian magazine. I will know about this proud organization and how it works. I will not be just a member of this Rotary Club; I will be a Rotarian.