Our Rotary Foundation at Work
North Atlanta Rotary Committed to Preventing Spina Bifida

The Rotary Club of North Atlanta (RCNA) is partnering with Rotary clubs in Texas, North Carolina, and Addis Ababa on a Global Grant project in Ethiopia (Global Grant GG2240039). The project focuses upon women who have already had one child with spina bifida or anencephaly (serious birth defects known collectively as neural tube defects or NTDs), because these women have a 10X higher risk of having another child with an NTD. The chief cause of these defects is a dietary lack of inexpensive folic acid (also called vitamin B9).  Providing these women with supplemental folic acid pills before they become pregnant should greatly reduce their chances of having another baby with an NTD.  The project entails identifying and recruiting approximately 1,850 of these women at high risk; supplying them with one-a-day high-dosage vitamin B9 tablets; and then tracking the birth outcomes.  The project is initially specified for a year, but the goal is to extend it for an additional four years.

Recently 800,000 vitamin pills (a year's supply) were manufactured in India and shipped to a hospital in Addis for less than $5,000 USD. The accompanying photo shows our Ethiopian partners with the delivered shipment. The pills are being distributed to patients, and the project is now underway.

Ethiopia has a relatively high incidence of NTDs, but spina bifida (caused by folic acid deficiency) is a global problem:  an estimated 300,000 babies are affected each year. Many die before or at birth; those who survive often suffer from paralysis and incontinence, and shorter life spans due to complications. Survivors require lifelong special care, which burdens their families and society at large.  There is burgeoning awareness within Rotary of the need to take action for prevention as well as care for spina bifida patients:  this past spring, R.I. President Jennifer Jones visited a Spina Bifida clinic in Columbia.  The upcoming January issue of Rotary magazine will feature a story about Rotary and NTDs.

The January 2024 Rotarian Magazine features an article titled, "A Solution Hiding in Plain Sight," describing this initiative; you can read that article by clicking here.

RCNA has also created and sponsored a unique on-line forum to promote collaboration among Rotarians and others for preventing spina bifida. The forum is designed to foster collaboration; share resources (e.g. medical studies and PowerPoint presentations) and other information.  It also offers a "central location" where Rotarians and members of other NGOs can coordinate their efforts re: folic acid fortification and supplementation, as well as patient care and other related initiatives. The forum is an adjunct to a potential Rotary Action Group.  It stands out as unique within Rotary. The URL of the forum is:  https://sbf-forum.org

Posted by Jon Yaeger
January 9, 2024


Posted by Linda Hatten
Rotary Club of Brookhaven
January 10, 2024 2:55pm

You are doing important work! Thank you!

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