Bylaw ID32
Body<p>Initiation fees, Membership dues, mandatory contributions to the charitable funds, Member and visitor’s meal costs and other charges to the Members shall be as determined from time to time by the Board and documented in the "Fiscal Policies" Article 7. All Members other than honorary Members shall timely pay all applicable dues and assessments. A member who is exempt from paying an initiation fee per the provisions of Article 7, below (other than a former or transferring Rotarian) will be charged only for meals, an amount equal to the per capita RI and District dues, and the mandatory charitable contributions for a maximum period of three years, or until age thirty-five, whichever first occurs, after which time said member shall pay full dues and assessments. For new Members, the dues for the current quarter shall be prorated on a monthly basis beginning with the first day of the month following induction. The Fire and Police members will not be charged as outlined in Article 7, Section 2.</p>
NoteClarification regarding charges for Fire and Police members
Rev Date2021-02-25 00:00:00